What is Mānuka honey?
The essence of Mānuka is widely regarded as one of the most unique and beneficial natural products in the world.
Mānuka is a beautiful native New Zealand tree. The Mānuka blossom are open for a short time and range from vivid pink to pure white. Deep in the wilderness when conditions are just right, the blossoms can give the illusion of beautiful snow-capped mountains.
Long ago, Mānuka was identified as a special plant for its unique life-giving properties. Our ancestors treasured its aromatic leaves, hardy timber and tough roots. Leaves, bark and gum were boiled to make infusions, vapours were inhaled to relieve pain, and young shoots were chewed to treat sickness.
We strive to deliver you the highest quality essence of Mānuka - in a way that is in line with the values of our Whānau (family), guardians of the whenua. This manuka honey is as pure and special as the environment from which it came.
New Zealand Mānuka honey is from a particularly special blossom, existing for a matter of days in faraway regenerative ecosystems.
Mānuka honey can act as an anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce swelling. Taken internally, it can help calm and soothe a dry throat. Applied topically to the skin, it can relieve skin irritation, minor cuts and burns. But it’s the antibacterial action of Mānuka honey that’s captured the attention of the world. And it’s all natural. It’s just Mānuka honey – no additives, no preservatives, no impurities.